作者: Carlos R. Bisquertt
邮件: medveter@yahoo.com
翻译:CWWS (aboutcg.net)
Modeling Ears in 3D
Previously you have read the Head Modeling tutorial written by me but I didn’t explain how to create the ears and without ears no head is complete. So, this time I like tell about how to create a ears in 3D. You can use any 3d software for creating the ear by using following method but I used Blender for this. Before moving ahead please have a look at the Ear Diagram
Start by extruding 10 segments throughout the helix, as shown in the image
Create the antihelix
Fill in the respective faces between the helix and antihelix
Select the 3 edges inside the oval and extrude them to create 3 new faces.
Cut an edge loop through the middle of the newly created faces.
Reposition the highlighted vertex as indicated in the image.
Select the faces shown in the image and extrude them as indicated.
Select the highlighted face and delete it.
At the top of the ear, merge the vertices as shown in the sequence.
Cut a new loop as shown. Then, repeat the same operation as we did with the other crura of the antihelix as shown above.
Reposition the vertices as shown.
Select the 2 highlighted edges and create a face between them. Then, fill a new face on each side.
Fill in 2 new faces to complete the triangular fossa.
Fill in 3 new faces to complete the cymba.
Select the highlighted face and extrude it according to the sequence. At the end, join it with the helix. Remember to delete the unwanted new faces at the back.
A. Select the 6 highlighted vertices
B / C. Extrude the them inwards and scale the ring down a bit
D. Extrude the ring to create the ear canal.
B / C.把它们朝内挤出,并缩小一点
D. 挤出这个环,来创建耳管部分
Follow the sequence to complete the shape of the ear.
Extrude and scale the selected face to create the tragus.
Move the selected edge outwards to create a little bulge on the ear lobule.
If you activate the “subsurf modifier” you may see if the edges of your model are too sharp in some places; if so, you can use the “smooth brush” in “sculpt mode” to relax the geometry where it’s needed.
如果你启动了多边形细分模式,你可以观察到你的模型是否在某些地方太尖锐了,如果是的,你可以使用类似Blender的“sculpt mode”(雕刻模式)下的“smooth brush”(平滑笔刷)功能来让你的模型松弛一下。
Select the highlighted faces and delete them to make room for the ear.
Place the ear at the side of the head and, in front view, rotate it slightly in the “Z” axis”, as shown in the image.
Select the free edge loops of the head and ear and press SHIFT + F to create faces in between. Press ALT + J to reduce the number of triangles. It may look a bit like a mess, but we’ll deal with that in the next step.
选择头部和耳朵的外边缘,然后按Blender软件的快捷键SHIFT + F来创建连接两部分的面,然后按ALT + J来减少三角面,这可能看起来有点混乱,但我会在下一步来处理这个问题。
Activate the “subsurf modifier”
激活“subsurf modifier” (细分编辑模式)
A. Some normals are pointing inwards.
B. In edit mode, select all the faces of the model and press CTRL + N to recalculate the normals outside.
C. In sculpt mode, use the “smooth brush” to relax the geometry and remove any visible artifacts around the ear.
A. 一些法线朝向里面了
B.在编辑模式,选择所有的面然后点击Blender的快捷键CTRL + N,来重新计算一下法线朝向。
C.在雕刻迷失,使用“smooth brush”(平滑笔刷)来松弛一下模型,然后去除耳朵这里可见的任何不舒服的表面。
This concludes the “Ear Tutorial”. None of these steps are written in stone so feel free to tweak them around and experiment on your own.
Thanks a lot to the CGArena for giving me the opportunity to share what I have learned with the rest of the CG community.
非常感谢CGArena给我这个机会来分享我从CG 社区学到的知识。