Making of Fire Energy by Eugenio Garcia, Mexico
Introduction: I receive some mails to do this make up, the idea of this work is the concept of Energy, this is originally for a graphic design site, I am a designer, but I like a lot digital painting. I have this idea in my mind, to translate the fire energy to an image, and this came out, I didn’t do any sketch, for that I consider this a speed painting; (it took less than 2 hours to do).
简介:我收到一些邮件,要求我说明一下这幅画的制作流程,这个作品的主题是对 于能量的描绘,这原来是给一个图形设计网站准备的,我是一个设计师,但我非常喜欢数码绘画,我在脑子里有个想法,把火的能量用画面表现出来,因此有了这幅 作品,我没做任何的草图,因此我把它看作是一幅快速涂鸦,(这花费了2小时不到的时间)。
Tools: I used photoshop 7 and a wacom graphire 4 tablet, (the small one), my hardware specs are AMD Athlon 1800 512mb ram, and 17in. monitor
工具:我使用photoshop 7和wacom graphire 4绘图板(小的那种),我的机器配置是:AMD Athlon 1800 512mb 内存, 和 17寸显示器
Preparation: With the concept and idea in my mind I did small canvas size at 1264 x 550 pixels, since the image is for the web.
准备工作:脑子里有了想法之后,我新建了一个1264 x 550像素的画板,因为图画是为网站准备的(所以不需要太大)。
The first I do is to put a background color, the base color.
Then I chose my color palette and try to put only warm colors, with nice contrast.
I choose Dodge, sharpen and brush as my tools. I have some great brushes from Natascha Roeoesli (http://tascha.ch) and I used three of it in this image, but my base brush is the round brush, one with opacity controlled by pen and the another is 100% in opacity.
我选择加暗工具,锐化工具以及笔刷,我从Natascha Roeoesli (http://tascha.ch)那里得到了一些非常棒的比刷,并从中选择了三个来画这幅画,不过我的基础比刷还是圆形的,一个可以用过Wancom 笔来调节透明度,以及另一个是100%不透明的。
with some orange color and the dodge tool I put my light source
With my round brush I put the dark shapes and the main idea.
I start to put more light bounces, defining the shapes and the sketch of the
main character. I use some low opacity brush for the far trees.
More defining and I use some tashas brushes for leaves and little trees.
I add some more leaves with tashas brushes and putting more detail on it.
I use the smudge tool for the fire to make it more fluid.
Some great things happen when you use the sharpen tool, brings more details to things like logs and leaves, and some of the character details.
I draw the little dots with a single touch with the round brush (thebackdrop is only for easy seeing).
Then I duplicate the layer and make some Gaussian blur in the down layer to add the bright effect.
然后我复制了圆点层,给它添加Gaussian blur(高斯模糊)特效,来模拟光晕的效果。
The paint is now with the dots and I put some noise (like 3 %) to make it more warm and atmospheric feeling.
With the final image I play with the hue and saturation, bright and contrast. I used the sharpen tool to do some more final details.
Hope you have enjoyed this making and if required any info then feel free to contact me in artecnl@gmail.com and in msn artecnl@hotmail.com . Thanks for seeing.
希望你喜欢这个制作流程教学,如果需要任何的帮助,请不要客气,通过邮件联系我artecnl@gmail.com,或着你也可以加我的MSN:artecnl@hotmail.com, 感谢收看。
这个教学对Speed Painting,快速涂鸦的流程是一个非常好的样本范例,你可以注意到作者是如何一步步设置他的绘画步骤地,作者的软件版本并不高,机器和绘图板也不是最好的,但是他在涂鸦时使用的方法是非常专业的,这也是我推荐这个教学的原因。