






作者: Sneh Roy

翻译:Zivix (aboutcg.net)


How To Create Vector Retro Circles And Convert Them To Photoshop Brushes



A few weeks ago I shared a free high resolution photoshop brush set with my readers. Today I am going to show you how to create that brush set in 5 easy steps. We will be using both Illustrator and Photoshop to create very high rsolution, clean vector images for the brush. We are going to make some scribbly retro circles.

Software : Adobe Illustrator CS4 & Adobe Photoshop CS4




Open a new document in Illustrator by going to File>New. Set Fill to red and Stroke to null. Choose the Ellipse Tool. Holding down the Shift key, click and drag to create a red circle in the work space. With the circle selected [Use Direct Selection Tool and click on the circle], go to Object>Transform>Transform Each. Set Scale to 75% as shown in the picture and click on “Copy”. This will create another red circle in the forefront, smaller than the first one. Click on this new circle and set Fill to yellow. Then clicking on this yellow circle, go to Object>Transform>Transform Each and repeat the process, finally setting Fill to a new color. Do this a couple of times till you get a few concentric circle. Then select all circles by going to Select>All. Group them together by going to Object>Group [or by clicking on the circles and pressing down Ctrl and choosing “Group” in the panel that opens].




Create a new layer in the document by clicking on the “New Layers” tab at the bottom of the Layers Panel. Create a new concentric circles graphic by following the actions of Step 1. Experiment with the scaling percentage and colors to get a new kind of circle. Then create yet another layer and make a new set of concentric circles. Do this 4-5 times till you get a bunch of concentric circles as shown in the picture.





Click on the first layer with the first set of circles you made. Go to Filter>Stylize>Scribbles. Set Scribble Options to as shown in the picture. You can experiment with your own settings for a different look. Apply this Filter to each of the layers and all the circles till they are all scribbly.




Make one layer visible and keep the rest hidden as shown in the picture. With one set of circles visible, save the illustrator file. Now go to Photoshop and open the illustrator file. Make sure you set the size very high, like 2500px width or higher. Go to Edit>Define Brush Preset. Name the brush as “retro_circle_scribble1″. Go back to the beginning of Step 4, this time making a new set of circles visible, saving the illustrator file and importing it in Photoshop. You then save another brush. Repeat this process till all the different set of circles are saved as brushes.


把其他层都隐藏,只留一个图层可见,就像图片中展示的一样。就这样保持一个圆的图层可见,然后保存为ai文件,现在打开ps,打开这个ai文件。你要保证设置很高的尺寸,比如高宽都是2500,去编辑面板,定义画笔预设,把笔刷命名为 “retro_circle_scribblel”然后回到ai,打开隐藏的圆形其中之一,储存为ai格式,在ps里打开,定义画笔,这样你有了另一个自定义笔刷。重复这个过程,直到都以笔刷的形式保存完成。



Step 5

Go to Edit>Preset Manager. With “Brushes” selected in the drop down, you will now see all the brushes currently loaded in your software, including the new retro circle brushes at the very bottom of the list. Pressing down on Shift, select all the retro circle brushes by clicking on them. Then click on “Save Set” and name your brushes as “retro_circle_scribbles.abr”, an abr file. Your high resolution brush set is now ready. You can stash it in your resource folder, give it away as a freebie or sell it as stock.

去编辑面板,预设管理器,这个时候底部已经选定笔刷,你可以看到现在所有的笔刷都已经导入到你的软件里了,包括在最底部的新的retro circle brushes。按住shift选中你的自定义笔刷,点击存储设置,把你的笔刷保存为abr格式。


Step 6

To get a brush that has a few different circle sets arranged in a collage, in Step 4 collect all your different graphics in one layer. This can be done in Illustrator by clicking the fly-out options tab in the right top corner of the Layers Panel. Choose “Collect Artwork In new Layer”. Once all your different sets of circles are in one layer, arrange them in a collage, overlapping or separated as you wish and then save the illustrator file. Then import that file in Photoshop like before and save it as a brush preset.

要制作不同的圆排列的一系列笔刷,参照在第四步把你所有的图形都放到一层里面,这可以在 Illustrator的层面板选择右上角下拉键头的菜单,选择”Collect Artwork In new Layer”(将所有内容合并到一个新层里面),这么做之后,将她们顺序排列,按照你的愿望互相交叠或者分开,然后保存Illustrator文件,然后就像前面说的那样导入Photoshop。并把它保存为笔刷设置。





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