This tutorial will teach you how to create a Windows like logo as shown in the image below:
1 – Start by creating an arc. ( Create > Shapes > Arc ) You will have to drag the object and then pull it with the mouse upwards to make it curve a little bit only. Check the image below to get a better idea.
1-我们从创建弧线开始。(选择 Create > Shapes > Arc按钮),你就可以点击鼠标拉出一小段弧线,看下面的图,作为你的弧线形状的参考。
2 – Duplicate the arc by first selecting it, and then dragging it down while holding shift. A cloned version of it should appear.
3 – Right click any arc and convert it to an editable spline, go then to the Modify tab and select Vertex then after that click the attach button then select the other arc and then click connect.
3-右键单击任何弧线,在弹出的窗口选择将弧线转换为Editable Spline(可编辑曲线),然后点击Modify(编辑)面板,然后选择Vertex(点编辑模式),再然后点击attach(附带)按钮,选择另外一个弧线,,接着选择Connection(连接)。
4 – Click the end of any arc and drag it to the opposite end. Do the same for the other end to make the two arcs join at their ends by the two lines.
5 – Unselect vertex button and click the shape. This should now make us a whole shape and not two separate arcs. Select Extrude in the Modify tab and raise the amount of extrusion to the amount you desire. You should make the height at least equal to the width.
5-关闭点编辑模式,然后选择我们之前创建的形状,现在是一个封闭的弧形形状,而不是两条分开的线,在Modify (编辑)面板选择Extrude(挤出调整器),然后提高基础长度的数值直到你期望的形状出现,你应该让高度至少等于宽度。
6 – Now duplicate this shape the way we did for the arc before, this time drag so that you have two identical shapes next to each other as seen in the next image.
7 – Rotate the 180 degrees so that it looks this way. (The rotate button looks like this )
8 – Finally duplicate the two shapes and drag them to below the older two shapes so that you have the windows like flag shape.
9 – The ending look is created by applying a material for every square to match the colours of the real logo.My model looked this way by rendering it in v-ray and chamfering the edges.
Click to enlarge
– End of Tutorial.
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