Rendering in Layers in Maya
Application Used: Autodesk Maya
Author: Bogdan Amidzic
Author Website:http://www.cavz.com/
Rendering in Layers in Maya
Render layers is one very powerful feature of Maya. You might ask why?
Here we show you how to use it properly.
In this tutorial we will be using a finished model. You can download it here.
Imagine this — you are doing a shot for a film, for example, a cyber cityscape. And you use many lights, glows, fog, crafts … and of course, you turn on some form of GI or ambient occlusion. And when you press render it takes hours to render, but it looks really great. And then your director comes, looks at the render and says, “Wow that is really great!”. You’re happy cause you haven’t slept for three days in order to finish it. But then he says “… but I don’t like the color of that fog, make it a little brighter!” So you go and change it, but thing is that he has to wait hours for that new render. And you are very lucky if you have to change only that one thing. But in most cases he will ask you to change a million things. He doesn’t have time for you to render frame again and again. So after some time, you will be fired!
But — if you are smart, you will separate your scene in many layers so that when he comes and asks, “change the color of that craft there, change the color of the sky…”, you will just change one slider in the compositing program, and the result will come almost instantly. Your director will love you, and you will get few hours to sleep.
So I used Maya and Shake to build this cityscape scene. It’s very simple, I didn’t have time to create a complex model.
As a starting point I used this.
Created one directional light (sun), that casts depth map shadows with 2k resolution.
Also I created four directional lights from different sides to create blue illusion of sky illumination.
When rendered, the image looks like this. You can notice that those four lights make the scene look flat. Later I’ll use an ambient occlusion pass to make small details more visible.
I used blinn materials for some buildings.
I assigned a texture to it. You can notice how odd it looks. We need to fix the UVs.
Select all faces.
Use cylindrical projection to project texture from cylinder around the object. Use manipulators to fit the cylinder to your object.
I also added bump using the same texture, and used that same texture for specular color.
Select all faces that look to the sky. Use planar projection to project texture to them.
I also created few more materials.
For some parts I used automatic mapping. This will try to project the texture from different angles.
You might notice that the texture looks very big. In the UV texture editor, you can select all UVs and scale them. This will repeat the texture.
可能注意到这些贴图看起来很大,到UV texture editor中,选择所有的UV,缩放它们,这样能重复使用贴图。
Now the cityscape is starting to take shape.
For small lights, I created very simple geometry and assigned surface shaders to them. I added a bit of glow to them. You can add glow also in compositing passes.
对于这些小的灯光设施,我使用很见到的集合体来创建,并且赋予了surface shaders。我创建了一点辉光给他们,你也可以到后期软件里合成的时候再创建辉光。
Now Rendering Layers. Select all objects except those tiny glowing objects (grouping and selection sets will be your great ally in this step), and in thechannel box check render. This will display your render layers. By default, all objects are assigned to masterLayer. Click that second button (one with tiny blue ball), this will assign objects to the new layer you created. Double click to layer and change its name to Color. All new layers will be named layer1 by default. Check ‘R’ in the box to the left. That means that layer is rendered.The masterLayer shouldn’t have this ‘R’.
With same selection (all except the tiny glows), create new layer. Hold right mouse button onlayer1 (that new layer) and you will see presets submenu. Choose Ambient occlusion. This will create a shader override for all objects in that layer. Name the layer occlusion.
“Presets”,选择Ambient occlusion。将创建一个shader给这个层中的物体,将这个层命名为occlusion。
In hypershade, you can see that new surface shader was created. In color input it hasmlb_amb_occlusion1. That is the mental ray occlusion sampler. Set samples to 32.The more samples you set, the less noise it will have and the longer time it will take to render.
在hypershade中,看到一个新的surface shader被创建了,在Color选项输入了一个mlb_amb_occlusion。这是一个MR的occlusion sampler。将采样值设为32.更高的采样值将获得噪点较少的效果但是渲染时间也会增减。
If you render that layer, you can see the result. In compositing, I will multiply this layer withcolor to make details more visible.
Our scene still looks normal.
Select all objects in the scene, except lights and create new layer. Select all objects except the tiny glows and assign one surface shader to it. That material will be assigned to those objects only in that layer.
选择场景中的所有物体,除了灯光创建一个新的层,在这个层里面,选择除去辉光物体之外的所有物体,赋予一个surface shader,这个材质将只被赋予到这个层中的物体。
Set all attributes to black. When matte opacity is black (0) it will not create alpha and it’ll block out all other objects and have no color.
设置surface shader所有的属性为黑色。当matte opacity是黑色时,将不会创建Alpha通道,其他的物体将被排除在外,也没有颜色。
If you render that glow layer, the colors shall be blocked in all other objects and only those tiny lights will have alpha, so it could be put over all other layers in compositing.
In options, check Render All Layers if you want to render all layers together. You can also set blending modes for each layer to get preview
在“options”选项,选择“Render All Layers”如果你希望一次渲染全部的层。还可以选择渲染层的混合模式来预览结果。
Create another layer, and assign all objects to it. Assign a surface shader to all objects.
选择所有的物体,创建一个新的层,给所有物体赋予一个surface shader 。
In Out Color for surface shader, create a Ramp texture, as projection. This will create a placement node for texture.
在surface shader 的Out Color,以projection的方式创建一个Ramp texture,这样为贴图创建一个坐标节点。
Scale the placement node to fit all geometry in the scene.
Change colors in ramp from white to black.
When rendered, that layer looks like this. We will use it for the fog (Y depth).
The last thing you need to do is to render all layers or do a batch render of the sequence if you have it.For compositing I will use Shake. In Shake, I created four fileIn nodes with render layers.
我使用Shake来进行后期合成,在Shake中,我创建了四个fileIn 节点。
If you like hypershade, you will love Shake. So use Imult node to multiply color with the ambient occlusion layer. This will darken the holes and details.
Then with over node put glows on top of IMult layer.
This is a little more complicated, I used IMult to change the density of fog, with Reorder, I copied the R channel of image to Alpha channel, since Color node (plain color) is using it for a mask.
The Color node is orange, but here the thumbnail is black. Then that orange goes on top of over1 node.
Here I added blurred glows as the height drops. Those glows on the streets are blurred.
Now if you want to change the color of the fog, just change the color of color1 node. You can tweak everything instantly.You can do all that in Photoshop, but you can do that only on single images. Shake is much better for these kinds of jobs, and for a Maya user, it takes only a few hours to get into Shake.
That will be all for now.
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