Free Style Painting
作者:Ashish Rastogi
This tutorial utilise the History Brush to turn any picture or photo into an free style painting.
这个教学通过调整History Brush (历史画笔)工具来将任何图片或照片转化为自由风格的绘画。
Step One: To start off, open an image you want to turn into an “artistic” piece of art.
Step Two: First thing you need to do is create a new layer, so simply go to Layer->New->Layer. Click OK on the dialog box and you should have a new layer.
Set your foreground color to white (press D to reset the color palletes, then press X to set foreground to white) Now use the Paint Bucket tool or Ctrl + Backspace to fill the new layer with white.
把你的前景色设置为白色,(按快捷键D重新设置调色板,然后按快捷键X将前景设置为白色),现在是使用颜料桶工具,或者快捷键Ctrl+Backspace 将新的层填充为白色。
Step Three: Now open your “History” pallete. If its not open, go to Windows -> History If you followed the tutorial correctly, you should now have the same history as mine.
第三步:现在打开你的“History”(历史)面板,如果你在视窗中没有看到它,请选择Windows -> History打开,如果你一直像教学讲解的操作,你的“History”(历史)面板将会如下图所示。
Step Four: Next, click on the empty box to the left of the “Open” item on the history pallete to mark the history brush. Then in the Toolbox, select and hold down the History Brush, then select “Art History Brush”.
然后,点击“Open”历史条目左边的空白方块,给它标记上历史笔刷,然后在工具栏,在History Brush(历史笔刷)工具上点击,并按住鼠标左键不放,在弹出的多个图表中选择“Art History Brush”(艺术历史笔刷)。
Step Five: At the top you will see a toolbar for the history brush. This is where you can set different variables for the brush, so select the brush size and style you want to use (experiment is the key here).
Final Step: Then simply use the brush and paint on top of the white layer. You will see that the brush will start painting the image of the original layer, in an artistic style. After you’ve painted the whole image, go to Filter->Sharpen->Unsharp Mask, and enter the following settings: Amount: 200%, Radius: 1px, Threshold: 0
最后一步:然后只要简单地使用笔刷并在白色层上面绘画,你会看见笔刷会画出原始层的图像,但是是以一种艺术风格展现,当你画完整个图像之后,选择 Filter->Sharpen->Unsharp Mask滤镜,然后使用下列设置:Amount(数量): 200%, Radius(半径): 1px, Threshold(阀值): 0